Getting paid made easy
Imagine a world where your delivery driver could accept payment without the risk of carrying cash!
Imagine a world where your delivery driver could accept payment without the need to carry and hardware or use card readers or terminals!
Imagine a world where your delivery driver can take payment and there is no additional administrative burden for them!
Imagine that world doesn’t require your customers to have an account login or passwords to make a payment!
Imagine a world where your delivery driver can take payment by just carrying a small plastic card!
That world is here:
Swoofee Go!
You don’t need to carry around outdated, bulky, glitchy card machines or readers, all you need is Swoofee Go in your wallet.
All your driver needs is a Swoofee Go card and show it to the customer.
Your customers can scan the unique QR code on Swoofee Go with their smartphone, enter their credit or debit card details and click pay.
Once they have paid they will be instantly presented with a receipt on their phone.
Missed the delivery driver?
No problem, leave a sticker with the QR code on the oil tank. The customer can scan the QR code and pay for their Oil either before or after the oil has been delivered, the choice is yours.
Click on the option below to discover the many other payment options available that you can offer to your customers.
Call or email us directly to discuss discount pricing.
There is a lot more
Sign up takes about 5 minutes. There is no waiting period so you can start taking payments immediately worldwide. There are no monthly fees, sign up fees or contract periods. We charge only per transaction. (See our world wide pricing page). Taking Payments is as simple as ABC.